Saturday, January 16, 2010

Review: Burts Bees Hand Salve

Hi girls, today I’m reviewing the Burt’s Bees Hand Salve. Most people would normally think that this is a lot like the MAC Salve that came out with the Naked Honey collection. It’s actually a solid balm type thing that you have to first swirl your finger in it to melt it and then you can apply it to your hands. It retails for $8-$9at Rite AId.Keep reading to read my review.

Pros: It’s very moisturizing if your hands are very dried out in the winter. It best for using overnight and putting on cotton gloves.

Cons: It may feel greasy if you don’t have very dry hands. It smells like menthol which I don’t like so much.

Overall review: I would purchase it if my hands ere excessively dry. I don’t recommend it for people who don’t have such dry hands. It alright, but I don’t love it for all the time because my hands change overtime. For me, it doesn’t work overnight, but it does for my sister because her hands are very dried out.

Would I purchase it again? : Yes, if I ever finish this one.

Rating: 9.5/10

Packaging: 10/10

Is it VICKY approved? : Yes, but it’s not worth buying if your hands aren’t that dry.

*Disclosure: This product was paid for by me. I received no compensation for this review. I have no affiliation with any companies mentioned. All opinions are 100% honest.

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